Fuchsia—or Valentino Pink PP—is the standout color of the season, but if it’s not your hue try toning it down with pretty pastels in Easter-egg colors. You could accessorize your ’fits with some soft-toned scarves and furs, or do it the Italian way and wear a rainbow of shades in a single look.
See below for our best pastel looks from street style, and check out our Street Style Trend Tracker for our best street style snaps.
A new wave of COVID cases threatened to derail Seoul’s first in-person Fashion Week since before the pandemic, but the faithful fashion crowd is still making its way to the city’s Museum of Craft Art and Han Collection to see the week’s best hybrid collections. Minimalism and streetwear continue to trend in Seoul, with black as the color of choice. Hints of gothic and punk style are emerging as well. Follow along as Alex Finch and Young Chul Kim capture the week’s best looks.